
Adventure of a Lifetime Ch. 3

Deviation Actions

Alimar's avatar

Literature Text

TF Story Ch. 3

Experiments and Answers

Hey, we’re there.

James woke up, realizing that he was crouching on the rooftop of the costume shop. Wha-, What? James was confused. A minute ago he thought he was in his room. His wings folded.

We’re there. The memories came rushing into his head. The costume, wishes, himself, not himself, Drethan. James clutched his head, as a new pain was felt in his temple.

The costumes voice seemed worried. Should we go in yet, or do you want to wait?

James stood on his hind legs. -As much as a dragon could, without falling over.- He used his tail for balance. James stretched, and went back to being on all fours. James looked around and was confused.

Um, costume...wait...what is your name anyways? I don’t want to always call you by ‘costume’ the whole time we are going to be together.

So, you are going to put me on again. The costumes voice sounded pleased. James, realized that he DID want to be a dragon again. He sighed, Yes, he replied, I do like this form.

James felt a giddy feeling go through the costume. Well then, we better get onto a first name basis. The costume paused. Call me, Sveargith. Or just Svear for short.

James chuckled, he knew what it meant. Bravery, I like it.

Thought you would.

James continued from where he got sidetracked. Well Svear, If its nighttime, how is it that it looks like day.

Svear sounded exasperated. Your eyes have changed too you moron. Or are you that slow?

James held up a claw. Hey! Im just trying to clarify here. Remember I still have a splitting headache.

Okay, okay, ill be nice. The costume paused, Ready to go?

James thought. He might as well understand this situation as much as possible, instead of running into it blind. Yeah, James thought, Lets do this. With that final thought, James climbed down the side of the store, chipping the wall as his sharp claws dug into it. James wondered if he, the shopkeeper, would mind the gouges in his wall. Then again, he thought, He’s probably cleaned up a lot of messes when he has been working here. Svear chuckled, as they approached the front door as quietly as possible.


Drethan heard his doorbell ring. He looked up, as a green dragon crawled in. It stood about six and a half feet tall. Drethan narrowed his eyes. It seemed mad.


Careful there, the costume said sensing the anger in James, He’s a wizard you don’t want to go messing around with them.

James spoke clearly to Drethan, “What did you do to me?” James was surprised. His voice was deeper.  Drethan moved around the corner of the counter. “Ah, James, I was expecting you.” James was confused, “Expecting, me?” “Yes,” Drethan replied. “You see, your not the only one that I’ve done this type of thing to.” Drethan gestured to James in the process.

“I figured that out,” James said in his deep voice, “But why?” “Ah,” Drethan replied, “You see, im experimenting with the power of wishes.” “Wishes,” James exclaimed, “That’s what the costume told me.”

“Ah, so the costume does have a mind.” Drethan stated. “Yes, it does...” James cocked his head, “Sorry, Svear does.”

“Svear hu?” Drethan walked around the dragon, examining it all. “Lets move to the back room, it a little more private.” With that, he walked into the back room and James followed.

The back room was fairly large. With costumes hanging on racks everywhere. There was a bench filled with an odd assortment of tools and vials. James concluded that, that was where he, Drethan, made his costumes. Drethan turned around after he closed the door to the front room.

“So, what questions do you have? Since it seems that the costume has told you a lot.” James sat down on his haunches. “Well I do have some things.” James paused. What should he ask first?

Ask him about your avatar. James agreed.

“How did you know what my avatar was?” James said, “Its not like I told you.”  “Simple deduction,” Drethan replied, “I just read your book.”  James raised his draconic eyebrow. “I did not write anything about my avatar in my book.”

Drethan pulled open a drawer. Rummaged, in it and pulled out a well thumbed book that James recognized as his book! Drethan opened it to the back and pulled out a sheet of loose leaf paper.
“This had your avatar on it. Including what it was.”  Drethan stated. It made some sense to James. “Yeah but how did you really know how Alimar, me, was like?” Drethan paused to put the book back in the drawer. “I read your mind.”  

Alimar gaped.  “Yeah, I can do that.” Drethan said, “Though it was harder than usual for you.” James got up from his haunches and stood on all fours. “That’s what Svear said, he said that he could not talk to me when he was trying to merge.” James paused, “He said that my mind was rejecting him somehow.”

Drethan pondered this for a moment. “What did you do before the costume merged?” James thought back to a few hours previously when he was getting ready to sleep. “I...I meditated.”
“Ah, that’s what I thought.” Drethan concluded. “What?” James asked. “Well to put it simply,” Drethan paused, “Your, special, way of meditating makes it so that, im just assuming here but, your way of meditating makes it so that your mind is a lot better organized than other people.” Drethan started to examine the suit again. “So-“

James finished his thought, “So when the costume tried to bond with me, my mind tried to fight it off because it knew it was a foreign object?” Drethan nodded, ignoring the teenagers insolence.

Drethan finished examining the costume. “It looks like the costume isn’t up to its full potential yet.” He looked at James, “What differences had you noticed besides your form?”  “Well,” James replied, “I have noticed a voice in my head-” Hey! James continued, “I seem to be confused on who I am. Alimar or James, and for some reason I’m smarter.”

“Well, the voice in your head is the costume. You’ve figured that out by now.” James nodded. Drethan continued, “The confusion is natural, I used parts of your personality that made up Alimar, and I brought them to the surface of your conscience.” James again, nodded. “How am I supposed to know who I am now. I’m not even sure if James is real? Though I know his family is real.”

Drethan looked at James with a piercing gaze. “That you will have to work out for yourself. All I can say is that you have to find a balance.” James nodded.

“Now for your being smarter, that’s not the only thing that will change.” Drethan raised up his hand as James was opening his maw to ask a question. “I would prefer for me to explain a little more before you ask a question.” James nodded again. He continued, “For your being smarter, you are smarter, you also have a better memory. Which means that whatever you learned will stay with you when your in this form.”

James turned to leave. “Wait, I have some questions for you boy.” James turned back around to face the shopkeeper. “I need to know some things about how things went with the transformation, and the like.” Drethan said. “Fine, but make it quick” James replied. “Ill try.” Drethan laughed. “Since you James were unconscious during the transformation I need to talk to the, excuse me, Svear. If you would please.”

Do you want to? James asked his costume.

As long as he does not try to harm us, I think its ok.

James nodded. “We’ll do it.” With that statement he let control of his body go, so that Svear could converse with Drethan.


It was awkward for James. Being completely relaxed yet his body would reply to Drethans questions. Drethan asking, and him answering. James felt no inclination to understand what was being asked of the costume. It felt like the questioning was taking a while too. During the time that James had with his mind he just explored all of what had happened to him.



Yeah? You finished?

Yes, It took a while too. I think you fell asleep. Drethan has some questions for you.

Really? Wow I must have been drained a lot from our mental battle.

“James?” Drethan said, “I have some questions for you.” James got up onto his haunches again after seemingly being on the ground. He supposed that Svear had laid down when he was asked questions. He felt a little more rejuvenated.

“Good,” Drethan leaned back in his chair. “I have some brief questions for you.”  James yawned, “Ok, what do you want.”  Drethan leaned forward. His finger tips touching. “I would like you to explain what it was like, the mental battle, between you and Svear.”

“Why?” Alimar asked, “You got that from Svear.”  “I got it from Svear’s perspective, not yours.”  Drethan said, he sounded annoyed.  “Ok, ill tell you. Well I had a dream that I was running from animals. As I was running the location kept changing. Like I was in a city, then a forest and so on.” James paused. “Eventually I was in a desert and the costume was in front of me and the animals that were chasing me were behind me. Only then did I realize that the animals were trying to protect me from Svear. They ‘died’ trying to protect me. Then a doppleganger appeared out of the ashes of the dead animals and then... I was being pulled by Svear on one side and by ‘me’ on the other.”

“Eventually I lost concentration on holding onto ‘my’ hand and I slipped into the grasp of the dragon.” James panted.  That was a lot for him to say at once.

“Ok” Drethan said, as he wrote something down onto a piece of paper. “Remember, you might experience side effects from the suit. If you do you should report them to me immediately.”

“Sir?” Drethan looked up. “How many people have you done this too?” Drethan raised an eyebrow. Careful there. James ignored Svear. “How many?” he repeated.  Drethan replied, “It does not matter. All that matters is that your not alone.”  

“Have you ever told anyone about what will happen to them before they get ‘into’ it?” James was getting mad. His deep voice was reverberating around the room. Drethan bowed his head, “Sadly I have not. I hope you understand.” James stood on his hind legs, his horns brushing the ceiling. “Understand? I just had my life ruined. I can’t tell my family, they’d freak! Now you come and tell me about side effects? Like what?” I told you to be careful!

Drethan stood up in a rage. Magical energy seemed to radiate around him, making the air ripple as if there was extreme heat. “Do not talk to me about principles! I’m doing what I must! As about side effects, im tired of answering all of your mortal questions! If you want to know about side effects you find out yourself!” Drethan was now an inch above ground. Luckily all the shutters were closed so no one would see what was happening.

Alimar shouted “Faessi!” Drethan was now really angry. “Coward am I? Now get out of this store and don’t bother me again unless it is important! I have enough work to do without every person barging in here and demanding answers” With that, Drethan pointed a finger at Alimar.

Alimar didn’t know what hit him, his legs were moving. Svear? You doing this? James asked. No I’m not. I think Drethan is doing it. Without a single word. Drethan forced them out of the back door and the door closed fast but silently behind them. Slowly control over his body returned.

I told you not to do it.

I know.

I did tell you not to do it.

I know.

What are we going to do now?

James felt horrible. Well first order of business is to get home. Its dawn and we need to get home before James’s mom finds out. I mean my mom. Svear agreed, and James headed for home.


It was lucky, James thought. The sun was coming up over the mountains. The window to his bedroom was unlocked. He pushed it open, and to his luck, it swung open without a sound. Wow, I’ve been lucky today. I got a wizard mad, I survived, and now im home and my mother still doesn’t know I left. He slipped inside, and landed on the floor in front of his bathroom.  

He sensed someone coming up the stairs. His tail stiffened and his hackles raised. He knew it was his mom. Spoken too soon. Svear agreed. There wasn’t time to take off the costume. James rushed to his bed and pulled the cover out and over his head. It was barely enough to cover him.

Worried that his extra appendages may give him away, he pulled them closer, and knelt to assume James’s approximate height. He covered himself again.  Now it looked like a dragon wearing a robe that covered him fully except for the hood which allowed Alimar to see out but no one to see in. He kept the appendages close. There was a knocking on the door, and a few seconds later his mom walked in.

“James?” his mom said. “Its time for breakfast.” His mom turned around and saw James standing there in an awkward looking sheet. “James?” Why are you wearing your bed sheet as a robe? Worried that she would freak at the sound of his low voice tried to mimic his human one. “It’s ok mom, I’m, not feeling well today.” She came closer. James backed away. “I think its contagious mom.” She stopped. “Well honey, I’ll come back in a while and give you something for it. Breakfast is ready. Also if you still feel sick, ill get you to a doctor.” James shook his disguised draconic head. “Its ok mom. I think all I need is rest.”  “Well I’ll come up with some medicine and then you can rest all day up here.” Marge said. “Do you need any food or are you ok?”

“Im ok mom.” James watched in disbelief as his mom left the room. “Oh, James.” His mom popped her head back in. “You look bigger than usual. Guess the exercising has payed off hasn’t it?” “Yes mom, it has.” James replied. She left.

In a few minutes she returned with some medicine and left. James left the medication on his desk. He closed and locked his door to the house and then uncovered himself, and sat on his bed.

How did she not recognize me?

You mean scream at your face?

You know what I mean.

I don’t know. Is this one of the side effects?

I don’t think so, and I also don’t think that my mom is that stupid.

Wait, what is your avatar like?

You mean persona?

Those both mean the same thing, almost.

Well as you’ve figured out, it’s a hero dragon named Alimar...Wait.

James jumped up from his bed and grabbed a second copy of his book. He did not want to rip his last copy with his claws so, he carefully flipped to the section of Hero Dragons. He sat down and read.

“There are many powers that a hero dragon has. This introduction will describe them in short. To read more into the subject of each power. Go to the “Powers” Section of Dragons, Draconics, and their Culture.

As stated above hero dragons have many powers. One, is the power of their armor. The runic engravings are said to give special protection to the ones who wear it.  

It was said by one dragon a well known armor crafter named Nathude Malkthied said thus, ‘The armor is made specifically for the dragon undergoing the sveargith ritual. It is engraved using special acid from a member of the draconic family. This suit of armor helps protect them against most harm and some elemental damage as well.’

Even though hero dragons wear this armor they mostly rely on their skills as a warrior and their disguises and stealth. (The two that are latter, are gained by the sveargith ritual.)

Hero Dragons aren’t common. Or maybe most animals don’t ‘see’ them as dragons. Reason being, is because of their stealth, disguises and intelligence...”

You put a lot into this didn’t you?

Yeah, and what’s that supposed to mean?

Well, if you wrote the book, aren’t you supposed to know what’s in it?

It’s a one thousand page book! You expect me to memorize one thousand pages of my work? I don’t even think if Leonardo da Vinci did that!


James sighed and kept reading.

“When the ritual is completed. The dragon had control over the color of his or her scales. With enough training, they may be able to change each scale into a different shade of the same color or a totally different color on each scale.

Hero dragons have many disguises. Among the most effective is their transmutation. Even though it is not a complete transformation, hero dragons are able to change their form to a point. They can change from being a frightful colossal dragon into a humanoid dragon. When they are in this disguise, and they cover themselves up, ie in a cloak or clothes of some sort. (Has to cover most of the body. They will be inconspicuous.

Granted this does not prevent them from being spotted as ‘dragons’ but from afar off they will seem ‘humanoid’. If a hero dragon is disguised well enough, he or she may be able to converse and interact with people to a degree.

Another part of the hero dragons arsenal is their intelligence...”

Wait what was that?


Go back and read, He pointed to a paragraph, This one.

He re read it.

“Hero dragons have many disguises. Among the most effective is their transmutation. Even though it is not a complete transformation, hero dragons are able to change their form to a point. They can change from being a frightful colossal dragon into a humanoid dragon. When they are in this disguise, and they cover themselves up, ie in a cloak or clothes of some sort. (Has to cover most of the body. They will be inconspicuous.”


See? Wana find out if its true?

He got up and walked to his mirror in his bathroom that a few hours ago had uncovered his transformation. James laughed at the similarities.


Well this was the mirror that showed me, you.


Well that mirror showed me, my transformation, and now hopefully it will show it again.


Yeah, again, because if im not transformed into a humanoid dragon, then something else is desperately wrong with me or this world.

What do you mean this world?
I mean that there are some dragons that can go between different dimensions!


Yeah and that means if im in a different dimension, nothing or everything is the same. My mom might have known I was a dragon but since it was a different dimension, she might already know that, so that’s why she did not freak out. If that was true then I’d have to find out a way to get back. For dragons, going back to the exact same dimension is dangerous, almost even deadly.

Sorry, I did not understand.

Its ok. Im not mad at you.

James walked in front of the mirror, and to his relief he was a humanoid dragon. James sighed. Then smiled.

Ok, we found out one thing.

What is that?

I can switch between anthro and pure dragon forms.

That’s a given. What else can we do?

Well, lets read the book.

I thought you wrote it?

Im not going into that argument again. Svear laughed in his head.

James picked up the book and started reading from where he left off.

“Another part of the hero dragons arsenal is their intelligence. Which means if they, the hero dragon, learns something, they never forget it. Many young dragonlings come to hero dragons of specialized professions to learn from them.”

Seem like enough? I would kinda like to find out the rest of my powers by myself.

Sure. Svear sounded disappointed. Alimar knew that he wanted to know what he could do.

Want to go experiment?

His voice perked up. Sure!

“Um I’d like to go down and tell my mom that I’m leaving.” James said.

Will you put me on again.

“Yeah, you know I will.” James said.

James felt doubt flow from Svear. “Don’t worry,” he said, “I promise ill put you on again.” With that. James felt a cold shiver come from his chest. He looked down and saw that there was a microscopic seam between the scales of his belly. He grabbed at it and pulled. It was a weird sensation. Like him pulling off a second skin. Svear helped by making the costume parts that weren’t bonded to him sag. So that he could wriggle free. When James was getting his shoulder free. He felt a pop and a shooting pain. His wing fell to the floor, lifeless.

James realized that his shoulder had reverted back to its original human form, from one designed for a wing to be attached to the scapula.

It took a while but he was able to get the rest of his body out of the costume. The most painful parts for him was when his third digit on each hand and foot unfused. Turning into the humans third and fourth digits. At least his clothes were still on him.

As he let the rest of the costume fall off, James felt kind of weird. He was James, but a minute ago he was Alimar.  He shook his head. Drethan was right. I do need to sort this out. But how?

James shook his head again and decided to deal with that when he was alone. He grabbed a backpack. He put supplies in the backpack. He quickly bathed and got dressed. The last thing he put in his backpack was his costume. He slung the backpack on his back, unlocked the door and went downstairs.

His mom was cleaning up from breakfast. She looked up. “You don’t look well.” Truth was, was that he didn’t feel well. James assumed it was from the mental battle the night before. “That’s what I was going to talk to you about mom.” She stopped cleaning to look at him. James continued. “Im going outside to get some fresh air and look around. Maybe draw a thing or two. I should be back by supper.” “Do you have lunch?” “Yeah” James said. Shaking his backpack to indicate it was there. “Ok.” his mom said, “But don’t be late.”

James walked out the door shouting thanks and thinking. Don’t worry mom, I won’t.


After a few hours of walking James had come to a clearing in a forest. It was his usual place to sit and draw. It was also a ways away from civilization. James took a draft from his nalgene bottle and started unpacking. This was going to be his home away from home.

James pulled out a large five person tent. He had bought it when he passed a sporting goods store. He leaned it on a rock and began getting out his other equipment. A lighter and a small REI stove. He also got out his pad of paper and his art supplies. The last thing he got out was his tripod and his High Resolution camera. He had decided to, when he was transforming to have the camera take pictures. James felt kinda guilty. He felt as if he was betraying Svear. But he had his reasons.

If someone found out or if he told someone about it. He could show the pictures, and prove that he was not crazy. James could only imagine what it was like in a mental hospital.


James was ready. The camera set, to take a picture every twenty seconds. He still wished he could talk to Svear and explain why.

He turned the backpack upside down and the costume fell.  James carefully touched the fabric.


Again, he was in the desert. The same one in his dream. The costume was in front of him, beckoning, while there were animals behind him. Again the tiger talked to him. “We are here to help you. Not to harm you.”</I>

James reached out a hand to the tiger. “Its ok,” he said, “Svear’s one of us now.” The tiger cocked its head. It moved away and the rest of the animals as well. They all formed a group and walked away. “Wait!” James shouted. He did not want them to leave. But they stopped even before he said it. The animals turned around and looked at him. Then they all seemed to melt and again, turn into his doppleganger.

It walked to him. ”You sure?”</I> James answered his doppleganger. “Yes, im sure.” His doppleganger turned into, Alimar. He did not know how he knew. James looked over his shoulder. Svear was there and Alimar was in front of him. They both looked the same but he could tell the differences in them. Somehow.

James walked to Svear, while Alimar followed James. “Svear, wait a second, I need to discuss something with Alimar” James said. Svear nodded. James turned to Alimar. “I need to know one thing. When I turn into you. I become you right?” Alimar nodded. “Ok, well, then we need to bond a lot more than we did before. It seemed like my mind was rejecting you.” Alimar nodded again. “That’s why I’ve been having a headache isn’t it?” James paused, “My mind was fighting my own mind, or you for that matter.” It nodded. James had to ask, “Why?”

Alimar opened up his maw. “You see, your mind tried to protect your body. Since that failed, the last thing your body could protect was your mind. Its like the walls of a castle were broken but the keep was not. Your mind was defending itself to the last extent. That’s why you’ve been having those headaches. Its because you still haven’t fully merged with the suit to bring me out. Its also probably why you don’t remember lots of the history of the dragons or the skills I have to offer.”</I>

James nodded. “Well now I will allow you to merge with me completely.” James paused, “If you could do it now that would be great.” Alimar nodded, and walked to James. James did not run away, but he let Alimar do what he needed to do. Alimar enveloped James. James could see out, but it was like a fog. Colored fog. As if he had an aura around him that took the shape of Alimar. In fact, his aura was Alimar!

James and Alimar turned to Svear. “You ready?”</I> James said in a voice like Alimar’s. Svear nodded and they both held out a hand and their fingers touched.


Alimar’s eyes opened. Except he was not Alimar, not yet anyways. He looked down at his arm. The transformation had barely began.  The suit had enveloped his arm. And was starting on his legs. The transformation was extremely painful when it came to the part of the changing of his bones. After one of his legs was enveloped he felt an excruciating pain and his bones snapped and broke to make room for new ones.

His usual number of bones broke to make the usual number of dragon bones, which numbered around in the five hundreds. His feet broke and elongated. Making him stand on his tip toes. While the rest of his body was still being enveloped by the costume.

Um can you make this less painful?

Sorry, I can’t, since you fought the first transformation this one is going to hurt, a lot.

James knew Svear wouldn’t lie. His pelvis broke and elongated after the costume had enveloped that part of his body. James was unbalanced as he fell to the floor of the clearing.

He felt his sternum break and elongate, the pain was unbearable. James wanted to go comatose, so he could escape the pain. But somehow he couldn’t.

I need you alive, I’m sorry. James knew that Svear didn’t want to cause him pain, but he couldn’t help it. James understood.

James could only tremble as the rest of his body was enveloped and the neck of the costume was puled over his head. He could not breath. As James spasmed, Svear had to force him to stop flailing to keep him from hurting himself.

His neck bones broke to the number of bones needed in the neck, and his head was pushed up through the neck of the costume into the mask. James could finally breath, but he preferred asphyxiation to the pain in his body any day of the week. His face was pushed forward into the mask and soon he could not feel it any more. It had become his own face!

Teeth grew and enlarged in his mouth. Including two fangs on both his upper and lower jaws.

His scapulas grew sockets to receive the wing joints. His wings filled out and attached, to his shoulder blades. He felt a new feeling as if he was getting stretched, but he knew that nerves and tendons were extending into his wings.

His final last painful moment was the tail. Attaching to his spine and his bones, again breaking and extending into the tail. Followed by tendons and nerves. After that finality, James lapsed into unconsciousness.


James woke up. His body aching all over. He realized he was in his dragon form again, and he WAS Alimar.

Sorry for causing you so much pain. I thought I had lost you.

It’s not your fault Svear.

I know, but I can’t help it.

Don’t fret it. Alimar got up and stretched his muscles. At least his head wasn’t hurting any more.

I know what you did, and I understand.

Understand what?

The pictures, and I think it’s a good idea.

Oh, thanks.

No problem.

Alimar walked over to his camera. It had fallen down. Most likely from him thrashing around when he was transforming. James took a look at the pictures. He cursed, there was only one picture that was good, the rest was a blur or nothing. Probably from being knocked down.

Alimar booted up his laptop and inserted the card from the camera. He waited, then loaded up the picture that looked the best. It was a picture of his hand. James sighed.

At least its something.

But it isn’t much.

I know. Alimar paused, But im not doing it again. This should be good enough. I think im going to draw it.

Svear changed the subject. Wana find out what this body can do?

“Sure” Alimar replied aloud, with his deep voice.

With a little concentration, he was able to change from being pure dragon to an anthro dragon.

At least there was no pain.

Yeah, I have to agree.

Lets try this body out then! Alimar thought excitedly.

With that. ALimar tried to change the colors of his scales by willing it, nothing. “Well, it looks like I have some things to work on. It actually gives me room to improve. I like a good challenge.”

I agree.

Lets try some target practice.

Alimar picked up a stone, and looked at a tree. Do you think I can hit it?

I’ll make you a bet. If you miss, I get control of you body for a half an hour. If not I still get control of your body for half an hour.

Alimar looked at the rock. Your on Svear. After all, its our body, we need to share.
As Alimar concentrated on the rock, he could tell its weight just by feeling it. James looked at the tree. Immediately he knew it was about one hundred feet away.

He calculated the velocity he would need to hit the tree with, and Alimar let the rock fly. It hit the tree dead center, about halfway up. The connection with the rock and the tree made a loud “Thwack!” Alimar was pleased.  He could do physics in his head. Must be part of the
memory/intelligence enhancement.  

Want to try out your new body?

Yeah, definitely.

Alimar relinquished control of their body, and watched as Svear had great fun testing out their limits.

This is going to be a fun day after all. Alimar exclaimed.
I totally, Svear paused, Agree.
Here it is! The long awaited third chapter! Hope you like it. You are right now, looking at fifteen pages of work. Well read and enjoy.

This is based on the setting of :icontransryu:

If there are any typos or the like feel free to tell me. Also if parts don't make sense, again TELL ME! I need the info to make it easier to read and the like. Also to become a better writer.

Well hope you enjoy!!

Well. He's going to draw a picture of his hand tranforming...!!!...wait... See any similarities?

The language of the draconics is copy write to Dungeons and Dragons.

Nathude Malkthied copy write to me.

So is Alimar
© 2007 - 2024 Alimar
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NanoCarp0's avatar
Nice to see they're getting along...
Unlike these two -> :icondragoncakeplz: :icondragonspin1::icondragonspin2:

Ummm... I had a topic here somewhere... Good job with the story so far, even though I suspect it's already done. I just haven't read the whole thing yet.

I can tell right now, I'm gonna feel stupid for posting this later when I actually wake up.